Helena Sign Up Form
If you wish to participate in the convoy, please sign up by filling out the form below. Due to city and state requirements, we are limited to 100 participants.
Special Instructions:
Saturday December 7th, 2024
Gallatin Valley Speedway
2290 Tubb Road, Belgrade
Arrive by 5:00pm
6:00pm Start
NOTE: Please have your truck or business insurance ready to upload in the form of a PDF before you begin this registration form.
Thank you for your interest in the Helena Christmas Convoy, organized by the Montana Convoy Foundation! Once your registration has been received, we will contact you within 7-10 days to let you know if you have been approved to participate in the convoy. Because of the need to limit the duration of the event, we may not be able to accept all applicants. Here are a couple other things to note:
~ The convoy is open to companies or businesses with professional drivers who will be entering with a dump truck, tow truck, semi truck, etc. Registration is not open to individuals at this time nor is it open to pickups, vans, cars, etc.
~ No one can be riding on your vehicle or trailer
~ Nothing can be handed out along the route
~ We ask that you add as many holiday lights to your vehicle as possible but make sure they (and your generator) will stay on your vehicle while driving 15 mph.